Solutions journalism as a tool for renewing setting agenda and improve audience engagement

Keywords: solutions journalism, slow journalism, setting agenda, audience engagement, bad news


The high levels of information and disinformation as well as the poor quality of the news published by the media instigate media rejection in the audience, who prefer to be informed through alternative information channels such as social networks. Solutions journalism, who is derived from slow journalism and proposes responses to social problems, represents a good option to regain the public´s confidence in media and improve audience engagement. This essay introduces the state of the art of solutions journalism from the perspective of audience reception studies and analyzes, by means of the bibliographic review technique, the academic works published by international experts over the last decade. The results show the existence of a strong amount of support regarding solutions journalism, whose news, according to the audience, are more credible and interesting than traditional ones. However, this situation does not necessarily result into a greater consumption of solutions journalism news; on the contrary, the results indicate that global audiences keep on reading bad news in a much higher rate.


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Author Biography

Samia Benaissa Pedriza, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)

Doctor in Journalism (Extraordinary PhD Award) from Complutense University of Madrid. Lawyer and journalist. Researcher on communication and international law in several projects funded by the European Union and developed by a consortium of European universities and institutes (Max Planck Institute Luxembourg, University of Aberdeen, University of Freiburg). University professor accredited by ANECA. Author of more than thirty communications and scientific publications on journalism and European law. Reviewer in peer review journals published by national and international academic institutions (University of Southern California, City, University of London, National Autonomous University of Mexico). Lines of research: analysis of informative messages, audience reception studies, narrative and interpretative genres, sources of information, disinformation effects in digital environments.


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How to Cite
Benaissa Pedriza, S. (2024). Solutions journalism as a tool for renewing setting agenda and improve audience engagement. Revista De La Asociación Española De Investigación De La Comunicación, 11(21), raeic112103.