The growth of narrative nonfiction podcasting in Spain: analysis of original production in on-demand audio platforms

Keywords: digital audio, narrative podcasting, audio journalism, slow journalism, non-fiction, docufiction


The standardization of online connectivity and the convergence of all kinds of content, formats and languages on smartphones has reduced the penetration and reach of traditional media as sources of access and consumption of news; in their position, social networks, video streaming platforms and audio formats, especially podcasts, are increasing their presence. Among their variants, narrative non-fiction titles are driving themes and approaches that favour the expansion of sound journalism without the conditions and limitations of broadcast radio. Through a mixed methodology combining quantitative and qualitative approaches to documentary analysis, this research analyses the narrative nonfiction podcasts released on the eight big on-demand audio platforms in Spain during 2022, and finds that, in a general sense, this was the most used category, with 129 of the 263 titles (49.4%), ahead of conversational podcasts (40.3%) and fiction podcasts (10.3%). Specifically, documentary was the dominant subgenre (45%), especially on the Sonora platform. The creative and commercial potential of this genre to offer context, depth and higher editorial independence in the treatment and journalistic understanding of current affairs is evident.


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Author Biographies

Rebeca Martín-Nieto, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC)

Assistant Professor in the field of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (URJC). Teaching and research staff at URJC since 2005. PhD in Communication Sciences (URJC). Bachelor's degree in Audiovisual Communication (UCM) and a Master's in Neurodidactics.
She teaches and has taught courses on radio media in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication Bachelor's programs and other subjects that encompass communication, innovation, and education in Early Childhood and Primary Education Bachelor's programs. She also teaches in the Teacher Training Master's program and the Master's in Advanced Teaching Skills.
Her research interests revolve around Audio (radio and podcasts), the relationship between the Internet and childhood/adolescence and its application in educational innovation, as well as organizational communication. She has participated in various national (R&D&I Plan) and international projects. URJC Innovative Professors Award (2021 and 2019).
She is a member of the Solidar&dar, GICOMSOC, and COMMRADES Research Groups, as well as the teaching innovation group CREATINN at Rey Juan Carlos University.

Luis Miguel Pedrero-Esteban, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (NEBRIJA)

Degree in Information Sciences (UPSA) and PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (UAB). Professor and researcher at Nebrija University. Head Researcher of the group Innovation in Communication and Media (INNOMEDIA). His main lines of research focus on the digital transformation of the media ecosystem, especially in the new production and distribution strategies of radio, podcasting, and digital audio. Coeditor of the weekly newsletter 'AudioGen 3x3' on the radio and podcast industry in Spanish. He has been a member of the jury for the ONDAS Radio Awards in 2019 and 2021 and for the ONDAS Podcast Awards in 2023.

Laura Martínez Otón, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (NEBRIJA)

PhD in Communication and MPhil from CEU San Pablo University, CEINDO (Spain). BA in Information Sciences from CEU San Pablo University (SPAIN). Director of the MA in Radio , podcast and digital audio in Nebrija University. She is currently a voice professor in diferent MA and subject like “Comunication Skills: writing and oratory”, “Taller de Radio” in the diferent degrees at Nebrija University. She is part of the research group INNOMEDIA at Nebrija University. Her areas of research are currently focused on radio, podcast and sound in relation with the Social Communication Society, fake news and desinformation in digital alfabetization.
She has worked in massmedia like Grupo Ábside (Cope, Cadena 100 y 13 tv), ABC y Europa Press. She has received journalistic awards such as IX Premio “Lolo” to her career and I Premio de Radio Grupo Norte against gender violence.

Ana Pérez Escoda, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (NEBRIJA)

Associate Professor of Digital Communication in the Faculty of Communication and Arts and Coordinator of the PhD Program Innovation in Communication and Digital Media at the University of Nebrija, Spain (Madrid). Her expertise is related to digital communication, digital and media literacy, digital skills, social media and innovation. Active research member in several competitive research projects, national and international: ongoing project, Mediatized.EU (H2020 Programme). Invited speaker in several universities: Cyprus, Colombia, Portugal, Pakistan, Dominican Republic, Argentine and Spain. Researcher in Nebrija_Innomedia Group and active member in several National and European Projects, currently in MEDIATIZED.EU (Horizon 2020). Research interests: media literacy, digital competences, digital media, literacy and communication.

Eduardo Castillo-Lozano, Universidad Antonio de Nebrija (NEBRIJA)

Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Journalism at Nebrija University. Graduate in Journalism from the CEU San Pablo University. PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the UCM. He is part of the INNOMEDIA research group and his lines of work focus on data journalism and new professional profiles and new audio formats. As a professor at Nebrija University, he teaches subjects related to journalistic writing, communicative skills in writing and public speaking, and voice-over. He currently directs and presents "Afterwork" on Capital Radio (awarded with “Antena de Oro” prize in 2017).


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How to Cite
Martín-Nieto, R., Pedrero-Esteban, L. M., Martínez Otón, L., Pérez Escoda, A., & Castillo-Lozano, E. (2024). The growth of narrative nonfiction podcasting in Spain: analysis of original production in on-demand audio platforms. Revista De La Asociación Española De Investigación De La Comunicación, 11(21), raeic112104.